Here To Help You Recover After A Work Accident

Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Throughout California

Types of Injuries From
Workplace Accidents

Workers’ Compensation Overview

Dedicated Workers’ Compensation Lawyer In San Diego, California
Aggressive, Knowledgeable and Experienced Protection of Your Rights
Our San Diego workers’ compensation attorney, Leslie Shaw, has been aggressively, knowledgeably and effectively protecting the rights of injured workers for more than 30 years in and around the San Diego, California, area. Workers’ compensation law is all that Attorney Leslie Shaw practices. She is committed to seeing you get the help you need, as is your right under the law.
Please call her at 619-894-8543. You can also contact her online to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your concerns with an experienced San Diego, California, workers’ compensation attorney. All communications are returned promptly.
NOTE: Deadlines Are Important in Workers’ Comp Claims

Questions Our Clients Have That We Can Answer
- Did you receive a notice about your workers’ comp matter?
- Has your insurance company objected to your treatment?
- What do you do after benefits have been stopped or denied?
- Dealing with a back or neck injury that happened at work?
- Are you suffering from a work-related repetitive stress injury?
- Have surgical complications or a work-related crush injury led to complex regional pain syndrome?
- Not sure how to maximize your compensation ?
- Need help resolving your case ?
- Seeking permanent or temporary disability benefits ?
- Having trouble obtaining coverage for psychiatric treatment of depression or other mental injuries?
- Has a loved one died in a work-related accident?
- Is your employer treating you unfairly now that you are returning to work?
Did you receive a notice about your workers’ comp matter?
Has your insurance company objected to your treatment?
What do you do after benefits have been stopped or denied?
Dealing with a back or neck injury that happened at work?
Are you suffering from a work-related repetitive stress injury?
Have surgical complications or a work-related crush injury led to complex regional pain syndrome
Not sure how to maximize your compensation ?
Need help resolving your case ?
Seeking permanent or temporary disability benefits ?
Having trouble obtaining coverage for psychiatric treatment of depression or other mental injuries?
Has a loved one died in a work-related accident?