Did you know that your employer may be violating your employee rights if you have suffered harm of any kind in the workplace due to being transgender? You have some protections under the law that require your employer to provide you with a safe and comfortable...
Rights of Injured Workers
The effects of age discrimination
Age discrimination occurs when workers over the age of 40 receive different treatment because of their age. It can be subtle or outright apparent, but in all cases, it can be hurtful to the person suffering the discrimination. Age discrimination can lead to...
Understanding discrimination against pregnant workers
Discrimination because of pregnancy can cause harm to victims and contribute to hostility in the workplace. All employees, regardless of their status, should have access to a safe and respectful environment at work. When people understand the problem that pregnancy...
When can you return to work after an injury?
Recovering at home from a work-related injury will require patience, especially if you feel eager to return to your job. Despite your desire to work again, you might have concerns about dealing with your injury and continued recovery while working. Assessing an...
What are some safety features you need on a scaffold?
When working on a construction site, your bosses could account for some accidents but not for others. In some circumstances, they could even send you to work on a scaffold without any safety equipment. Knowing what safety guidelines you should follow and what...
Will a return-to-work program benefit you?
Going back to work after an injury may feel intimidating and unsettling. Even if you have received medical clearance, returning to the workplace after a hiatus often has its own challenges. If your employer implements a return-to-work program for injured workers, your...
When may I visit my own doctor for a job-related injury?
Workplace accidents could require visiting the closest hospital to receive emergency medical care. Your employer may post signs noting where employees should go after an on-the-job injury. A coworker may call an ambulance to take you there. As noted in the California...
What rights do warehouse workers have in California?
Warehouse workers have rights and protections under California’s Assembly Bill No. 701, which became law and went into effect on January 1, 2022. If you work in a warehouse, your employer may no longer use pre-programmed algorithms to track your productivity. As noted...
What is a supplemental job displacement benefit?
If you suffer an injury at work that makes it so you cannot go back to the job you held before, workers’ compensation can help you to obtain other employment. The injury was not your fault, so the system will try to avoid punishing you for the result of it by offering...
Are nursing mothers required to have work breaks?
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) features many employer requirements to ensure workers have access to their rights. According to the U.S. Department of labors, nursing breaks fall under the category of the FLSA. Workers should explicitly understand these...