When you notice something dangerous at work, your decision to file a report could protect yourself and others from injury. While workers’ compensation could offset some costs, the emotional repercussions of an injury could take years to get under control.
There are several methods for reporting a hazard. If your employer ignores your concerns, you might need to take your report elsewhere, to OSHA, for example. Understanding the benefits of filing a safety claim might give you the incentive to take immediate action.
Improve trust
When your employer regularly ignores hazards and still requires you to work around them, you might lose trust in them. Threats to your safety could interfere with your productivity and confidence. Reporting concerns and making sure you get a response can build trust and improve morale.
Protect career
A workplace injury that requires you to rely on workers’ compensation benefits can stall your career. Depending on the extent of your injuries, you might never regain the skills to return to your former job. Reporting hazards in a timely manner can help you protect your career.
Save resources
Your employer can also benefit from your diligence in reporting safety concerns. According to Weekly Safety, effective hazard reporting procedures give your employer a chance to eliminate liabilities before they cause considerable damage.
With your help, your employer can make the work environment safer and more functional. Collaborating as a team, productivity and safety will both take priority. If you do experience a workplace injury, you should immediately file a claim so your employer can remove the hazard before anyone else suffers an injury.