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Cal/OSHA cites California company for industrial accident

Industrial workers face a wide range of dangers while on the job. Most companies in California diligently work to protect their workers. Without the proper safety training and equipment, it is not unreasonable to say that they could be in danger of losing life or limb in an industrial accident.

Back in December of last year, a worker was painting the interior of a metal tank at a company that provides industrial services here in California. He was applying a coating known to be flammable to the inside of the tank. A flash fire erupted, causing serious injury to the painter.

The California division of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration came in to conduct an investigation into the incident. It was discovered that the company gave the man a halogen lamp for light inside the tank. The lamp provided the ignition source for the fire. It was determined that the company allowed the worker to be in the confined space of the tank with a flammable material, an unauthorized lamp and no protective gear or adequate ventilation. It was further discovered that the company did not have a permit for the painter to be working inside the tank.

Others got the worker out of the tank, but not before he suffered significant burns that required him to spend three days in an area hospital’s burn unit. His current condition is not known. Sadly, Cal/OSHA reports that this industrial accident was completely preventable, and this man did not have to suffer his injuries. Fortunately, he is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits that cover medical expenses and the loss of income he undoubtedly experienced, and may still be experiencing.

Source:, “Cal/OSHA Cites Employer, Painter Seriously Injured“, , Aug. 7, 2014
