Here To Help You Recover After A Work Accident

Did your boss fire you for no reason? You can fight back

Losing your job is a serious threat to your well-being and the stability of your California family. It can be devastating to learn from your employer that he or she is firing you, especially when there is no reason for this course of action. If you suspect that your termination is based on things like retaliation or discrimination, you can fight back. 

Wrongfully terminating an employee is not only wrong, but it’s also illegal. If you believe that you are a victim of this, you have the right to fight back. It may be appropriate for you to pursue legal action against your employer, but you do not have to go through this process alone. It is in your interests to seek the help of an attorney who can assist you in this process, from identifying whether you have a valid claim to guiding you through this entire legal process.

Fired due to discrimination 

Discrimination has no place in any California workplace. It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against a worker for his or her gender, religion, ethnic origin, or a number of other factors. This also includes discrimination in hiring or firing as well. If employers need to let a worker go, it should be because of performance reasons or wrongdoing, not his or her skin color, faith system, or pregnancy.

If you were a good employee and did nothing that would merit your termination, it is quite possible that you were the victim of wrongful termination on the basis of discrimination. Your situation is not hopeless, however, as you may have legal options available to you.

Fired due to retaliation

It is also illegal for employers to fire workers as an act of retaliation for things such as shining a light on illegal activities, reporting unsafe work conditions or filing a workers’ compensation claim. If you did any of these things or exercised other rights that you have as an employee and then lost your job, you may be the victim of wrongful termination due to retaliation. 

What’s next for you?

You do not have to suffer in silence or assume that there are no options available to you. One of the first things you can do is to reach out for appropriate legal guidance regarding the best course of action for your situation. Wrongful termination claims are time sensitive, and it is in your interests to take immediate action to protect your rights and hold liable parties accountable for their actions.
