Here To Help You Recover After A Work Accident

San Diego SeaWorld worker left with facial injuries

A 20-year-old mechanic working in San Diego may be left facially disfigured in the wake of an industrial accident that caused leaking hydraulic fluid to hit the man in the face when a hydraulic plug came loose on a SeaWorld ride May 15.

The work place accident occurred when the mechanic was working on the Wild Arctic flight-simulator ride at SeaWorld in San Diego. The 20-year-old victim was transported by the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department at about 7:30 a.m. and reportedly was hospitalized with non life-threatening injuries. He was conscious and breathing when paramedics arrived on the accident scene.

The cause of this accident, as well as other similar workplace accidents isn’t always immediately clear. The injuries suffered may initially seem minor but may prove to be more serious. After a job accident of this type occurs it requires some investigation. The injured party will need to proceed with the necessary medical care. Under California law, the injured employee (or their families in the event of a fatality) is entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits to cover reimbursement for covered expenses, including medical care and lost wages during the time period the individual is not able to work.

It is important that in the event of a workplace accident that proper protocol is adhered to. This includes reporting the accident and seeking proper treatment. If an employee has been the victim of a workplace accident or has suffered a work-related injury and is unsure what steps to take, they may benefit from speaking with experienced legal counsel.

Source:, “Accident Injures SeaWorld Mechanic,” Susan Shroder, May 16, 2012
